High Blood Pressure Treatment
Even if your blood pressure is only a little above the normal amount (but not high enough to be classed as hypertension), then the first step is to make some lifestyle changes. This includes eating more fruit, vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods, cutting back on saturated fat and trans-fats, reducing your intake of salt and sugar, and upping the amount of fish, nuts and whole grains that you eat.
Google Web Story: Diet and Hypertension
ukmedsuk.com has put together a handy Google Web Story to explain the connection between what you eat and high blood pressure:
If you don’t notice a difference after following a healthier lifestyle (or if your blood pressure was very high to begin with), then you’ll need the help of prescription medications to get your condition under control. There are a number of different categories and you’ll be able to get the one that’s right for you with UK Meds.
First, there are diuretics (known as water tablets) which reduce the amount of water and water retention in the body. Next, there are beta-blockers, which slow down your pulse by reducing the effect that adrenaline has on the body. Then there are calcium channel blockers (also called calcium antagonists), which relax and widen blood vessels by affecting the muscles. There are also ACE inhibitors which decrease the production of a blood-vessel-narrowing hormone, helping to widen them instead. All of these types are available as a number of different medications and our friendly prescribers will be able to make sure you get one that suits your condition.